Through an investigative look at familial interactions, the authors highlight normal conflicts, criticisms, and communications failures that are a part of the family experience as well as their effects on working relationships within the enterprise.
“Owners need to remember to focus on both the family and business sides of their enterprise if they want to maximize their family business success over the long term. How Families Work Together…provides sound and effective guidance – checklists, tips, suggestions, and behaviors to avoid – to help family members improve their working relationships. This book should be read and discussed by all family members who are actively involved in the family business.” – Donald G. Nelson, Family Office Executive, Skaneateles, NY
“This book not only helped our family work better together, it helped us become a closer family unit. How Families Work Together is a must read!” – Tom Scotti, President, Keystone HRC, Inc., Bensalem, PA
“While each volume contains helpful ‘solutions’ to the issues it covers, it is the guidance on how to tackle the process of addressing the different issues, and the emphasis on the benefits which can stem from the process itself, which make the Family Business Leadership Series of unique value to everyone involved in a family business – not just the owners.” – David Grant, Director (retired), William Grant & Sons Ltd., (Distillers of Glenfiddich and other fine Scotch whiskeys)